Have been given a (no real brand name) GVA LED LCD to try see if I can repair. Its probably not worth the time and effort but hey its good learning experience for myself :P
TV model: GVADLED32C
Main board: TP.SIS231.P83
Symptom: TV turns on and after 5-10mins the picture will fade from right to left to a black blank screen.
I noticed the back lights must work as the TV does display some sort of black lighting on screen as soon as I turn it off it goes totally black like it should.
After it goes into this state I cant turn the TV off and on again to get a picture, I would have to leave it for say 24 hours or so before I can get a picture to come back up. Does this sound like failing caps? I have checked these and they look fine (not tested with an ESR meter yet) on the outside but being the type of cheap arse TV it is they are probably cheap and nasty caps?
There are no stickers to show testing values that I can find but can see on the back of the main board some labels to certain pin outs ect... so mayb u guys can help from these?

I can find replacement main boards for say $40 but these are from different branded TV's (same main board number TP.SIS231.P83) hitachi, would these be plug and play or will they have a different TV's firmware installed on it and wont work straight off the batt?
TV model: GVADLED32C
Main board: TP.SIS231.P83
Symptom: TV turns on and after 5-10mins the picture will fade from right to left to a black blank screen.
I noticed the back lights must work as the TV does display some sort of black lighting on screen as soon as I turn it off it goes totally black like it should.
After it goes into this state I cant turn the TV off and on again to get a picture, I would have to leave it for say 24 hours or so before I can get a picture to come back up. Does this sound like failing caps? I have checked these and they look fine (not tested with an ESR meter yet) on the outside but being the type of cheap arse TV it is they are probably cheap and nasty caps?
There are no stickers to show testing values that I can find but can see on the back of the main board some labels to certain pin outs ect... so mayb u guys can help from these?

I can find replacement main boards for say $40 but these are from different branded TV's (same main board number TP.SIS231.P83) hitachi, would these be plug and play or will they have a different TV's firmware installed on it and wont work straight off the batt?