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Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*

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    Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*

    I own a Panasonic SA-BT330 BLU RAY HOME THEATER SYSTEM
    When I try to power it on, it immediatly shuts down with the error F61 or F76.
    I have already done several repair attempts with the help of the servicemanual, some google solutions etc.
    I tried to repair the power p.c.b. (changed q2903 and q2902 as I could see a ripple voltage from there outputs and some fluctuations)
    I have also changed the Rectifier D5802 and the main cap, all to no avail.

    Then I have bought a ESR meter to test every capacitor without disassembling it.

    I found out that every cap on the powersupply has low esr values expect C5726 and C5798!
    Both are the same parts 10uF 50V.
    The C5726 is located under the heatsink.
    After disassembling it, it shows me less than half of its capacity (3,7uF)
    I have changed both of them and now the unit is working again!

    Yesterday I got another SA-BT330 for repair with the same issue.
    And there where also the caps C5726 and C5798 the problem causing parts.

    I hope this helps someone out, as I can find a lot of F61 and F76 problems with no solution on google.

    Re: Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*

    Good job. I repaired 2 philips soundbars ( hts7140 and hts8161b ) just replacing all the capacitors on the boards + a fuse.

    Its alot of work but the result is worth it.
    I only repair Panasonic plasma tv's! Currently owning a TX-P55VT50 and still searching for a ZT60!


      Re: Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*

      Thank you thank you! C5726 and C5798 as above, both replaced to repair F76 shut off error on Panasonic SA-BTT755.
      Great Help


        Re: Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*

        Thank you for the pointer. My unit is a SA-BT735 but I thought the power supply may be similar if not the same. I tested both caps and found C5726 (under the heatsink) showed 2.15uF / ESR 23.3 Ohms whereas C5798 showed 9.46uF / ESR 0.38 Ohms. Changing the one cap solved my ‘Please Wait'/F76 error.


          Re: Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*

          Great stuff. Thanks witwe, good find. Worked for me too!


            Re: Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*

            HI all,

            had same problem. Could not find capacitor ....98, only ....26. (SA-BT230) Changing that one was enaugh. Thanks for the help.
            Besides.... In my eyes this is poor engeneering. The capacitor has to break after a while as it is placed to near to the heatsink. That way it's "fried" all the time and tends to dry out and loose capacity.
            I put it somewhere else on the board where it is cooler. That way it might hold out a little longer.


              Re: Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*

              Originally posted by multiwahn View Post
              HI all,

              had same problem. Could not find capacitor ....98, only ....26. (SA-BT230)


                Re: Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*




                  Re: Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*

                  Hi, I had same problem, I replace both capacitors and my problems seems disapear... now apears "please Wait" 10 times and then works god. thanks...


                    Re: Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*

                    Same fix worked for me too. SA-BT230 just clicking on then off. No error displayed. The C5798 cap is on the opposite side of the board to the heatsink. Replaced both and it all works fine now. I got a 330v shock from the smoothing cap, which seems to hold a charge for ever. Take care to discharge this with a 100k resistor before working on the board. Thanks a lot guys.


                      Re: Panasonic SA-BT330 F61 and F76 error - *GOT IT FIXED*

                      be VERY careful, it's the fact that it doesn't take a huge amount of voltage to effect your heart and if there's nobody around who can do cpr, game over: "A man standing up to his chest in water was once killed by a voltage of only 50 volts (he was a working in a shipyard). This is exceptional. In general, the voltage would have to be above about 100 volts to kill. For low voltages like 100 - 300 volts, death is usually caused by the electricity shocking your heart into a state where it vibrates instead of pumping (fibrillation). It can't easily be started again without special equipment. For higher voltages, the heart usually stops completely but can be started again with thumps on the chest. Im this case, the usual cause of death is internal burns."


                        Want to share some info regarding the oem10uF 50V caps (C5726 and C5798) ...
                        Looking for replacements, I found they are now obsolete. After some digging, I found suitable (if not better) replacement caps...
                        Panasonic p/n EEU-EB1H100S. Just installed the two new caps, and I'm back up and running!
                        Hope this helps anyone looking for a fix!


