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Toshiba 40L5200U

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    Toshiba 40L5200U


    I found this TV in the trash.
    It powers on ok, but there are a bunch of vertical lines.
    I've never had success with fixing any type of lines on a screen whether they were vertical or horizontal.
    I'm guessing this is a tab bond issue..What do you all think?
    Before I scavenge the boards and toss the rest, is there anything I can do to try to fix it?

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    Re: Toshiba 40L5200U

    Are the tab bonding boards located on the bottom edge of the panel?
    Does it have stand alone T-con or intergrated T-CON?
    Did you try reseating the cables?
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      Re: Toshiba 40L5200U

      Hi budm,

      It has a standalone t-con and the tab boards are on the bottom.
      I tried removing the ribbon cables and cleaned them and the connectors with Isopropyl alcohol and it made no difference.
      I also tried applying pressure to the tabs to see if anything changed and it didn't.

      1 thing I noticed is if the TV has been unplugged for a while when it is first turned on the picture is perfect for 3-4 seconds then the lines start to gradually appear as if they are fading in. (see second picture. sorry it is blurry, I was trying to hold up the TV with 1 hand and take the pic with the other)


      Edit: I took a close look at the ribbon cables and the contacts appear to be damaged..Hopefully I can find a set on ebay.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Gorrillasnot; 04-11-2019, 09:22 AM. Reason: Found damage to ribbon cables


        Re: Toshiba 40L5200U

        I couldn't find just the ribbon cables cheap on ebay so I ended up buying another t-con that included them and it didn't fix the problem.

        I looked at the tab ribbon cables attached to the panel and boards and didn't see any obvious signs of damage.
        Also tried touching the tabs with the tv on like I seen people do in youtube videos and it made no difference.

        At this point I don't know what else to try..I'm guessing the panel is bad or maybe one of the COF chips in the tab cables is bad, but testing those is probably over my head.

        The pics are after I installed the ebay t-con and ribbon cables.

        Attached Files


          Re: Toshiba 40L5200U

          Could throw a tcon at it, might not be the problem tho.
          Quit due to disrespect from unpaid sta,ff.


            Re: Toshiba 40L5200U

            Originally posted by nomoresonys View Post
            Could throw a tcon at it, might not be the problem tho.
            When I was searching for ribbon cables on ebay (which I couldn't find any cheap) I found a t-con that included them for under $20.
            It didn't help the problem.

            I also tried unhooking 1 half of the t-con at a time to see which side was bad (left side with TV screen facing down in my case), then using scotch tape on various pins on the ribbon cable to see if it made any difference..I finally was able to get that side of the screen to show an image (with the other side unhooked), but after several attempts with tape I ended up wearing off the contacts on parts of the ribbon cable.

            At this point I think I'll give up and scrap the boards as it's not worth spending anymore money on.



              Re: Toshiba 40L5200U

              Oops my bad Gorrillasnot, I see you tried a new tcon, I meant to post that on a different thread.
              Quit due to disrespect from unpaid sta,ff.

