Have common flash of Toshiba logo and backlight shutdown. Set uses power supply / LED driver bd. PK101W1230I. I Measured power supply to main board connector. (at power supply connector P802) and power supply LED driver connector to LEDS. (P803) All measured to chassis ground.
At logo flash: All 16V lines (16V2, 16VA) = 16.8V & 16.2V, 5V1= 5.1V, ACD=3.34V, PWON= 4.05V, BLON= 3.35V, 5V1= 5.1V, DIM= 5.1V
Two readings, one at power on, second at logo flash: -VLED 1, = 6V/ 34V, -VLED2 = 6.6V/37V, & -VLED3= 6.6V/ 37V. +VLED (3 COMMON WIRES) = 66V/101V
Pulled PS led connector (P803). Took a LED tester and injected between –LED 1,2, 3 (one at a time) and appropriate +LED LINE, turn set on and verified ALL 84 LEDS ARE GOOD & VIDEO/ SOUND/GRAPHICS IS OPERATIONAL. Set does NOT shutdown. Tester stabilizes at 75.2V on all three lines.
I believe problem is in shutdown protection circuitry. Believe ruled out TCONN & MAIN LOGIC BDS. Problem resides on Power Supply?
Can anyone advise as to components involved in protection/shutdown/comparator operation? What to check, theory of operation? Would purchase Service manual/ Schematics? Thoughts Please! Any response greatly appreciated. Thank You!!
At logo flash: All 16V lines (16V2, 16VA) = 16.8V & 16.2V, 5V1= 5.1V, ACD=3.34V, PWON= 4.05V, BLON= 3.35V, 5V1= 5.1V, DIM= 5.1V
Two readings, one at power on, second at logo flash: -VLED 1, = 6V/ 34V, -VLED2 = 6.6V/37V, & -VLED3= 6.6V/ 37V. +VLED (3 COMMON WIRES) = 66V/101V
Pulled PS led connector (P803). Took a LED tester and injected between –LED 1,2, 3 (one at a time) and appropriate +LED LINE, turn set on and verified ALL 84 LEDS ARE GOOD & VIDEO/ SOUND/GRAPHICS IS OPERATIONAL. Set does NOT shutdown. Tester stabilizes at 75.2V on all three lines.
I believe problem is in shutdown protection circuitry. Believe ruled out TCONN & MAIN LOGIC BDS. Problem resides on Power Supply?
Can anyone advise as to components involved in protection/shutdown/comparator operation? What to check, theory of operation? Would purchase Service manual/ Schematics? Thoughts Please! Any response greatly appreciated. Thank You!!