hoi everyone my nane is alan iam a retired elctrical eng i do a frew repairs to elecronic equip . iam 74 fit active and have various interest in electronics iam also a keen pistol shooter here in the netherlands
Hi My name is Eric I'm an owner of a computer store since 2002 and now i'm learning electonical repair. My first computer was a Tandy MC-10 in 1983
From Québec Canada
I am looking for a place to share and-or look for information regarding HW repair DIY projects on computer filed. My main interest area where I have some experience in repair:
- retro PCs - 386-486 based processors, MB repairs
- retro calculators like TI brand repairs.
- laptop repairs
- mobile phone repairs, Samsung S7, iphone 7,8
If you have questions regarding these areas feel free to ask for help.
Hello all - i have been working on and off with electronic repair and have a number of computers in the house - started out with an 8086 with a 3.5 and a 5.35 floppy no hardcard or drive - i am getting back into electronic repairs and thought this site would be a good place for info and help
hola mi nombre es rodolfo muchas gracias por aceptarme soy tecnico jubilado pero sigo informandome y reparando lo que puedo con gusto compartire mis conocimientos y la informacion que poseo.
Hailing from Sydney, a very hands on highly energetic avid learner hoping to break into the emerging field of Information technology on the ground floor...
Apologies in advance for any and all behaviours
A cordial greeting to all
I am entering the world of electronics for laptop repair. This page contains very important information to achieve this.
I'm thrilled to be joining this vibrant and passionate community. Ever since I was young, computers have been my source of inspiration and my passion. From discovering the first programming languages to exploring emerging technologies, every line of code written and every algorithm solved has reinforced my belief that computer science is more than just a discipline; it's a way of life.
I'm here to exchange ideas, share my knowledge, and learn from all of you. Together, we can push the boundaries of technology and discover new innovative ways to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.
Looking forward to interacting with each and every one of you and contributing to this fantastic computer community.