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New Members - please post your introductions here

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    Ciao a tutti Mi chiamo Max, ringrazio gli amministratori per avermi accettato nel forum, sono italiano quindi usate google per capire cosa scrivo
    sono un tecnico informatico, mi occupo di tutto ciò che riguarda la parte IT delle aziende, dalla progettazione e realizzazione delle reti, alla parte server e VM, ma mi piace smanettare sulla riprogrammazione dei chip delle Mobo.


      My name is Rafael, and I am from the interior of São Paulo. I have been working in electronic device maintenance for over 10 years. Throughout my career, I have worked in various repair shops in my region. Nowadays, I work at a software development company and do maintenance work on the side to earn some extra money.


        Hello everyone, I'm Jeverton, a technician here in Brazil, I've had several dumps with little success, and a lot of headaches.


          Hi my name is GIGI I'm a CyberSecurity security engineer with basic knowledge of electronics just basic understanding of it from my background related activities . with passion for things related to 3D printing and accu related devices like powerbanks lights and small electrical devices.


            hi my name is Frank and work in fix or phones and pc computers i have 24 years old


              My name is seyfollah, and I am from the interior of ghaem. I have been working in electronic device maintenance for over 17years. Throughout my career, I have worked in various repair shops in my region. Nowadays, I work at a software and hardware development company and do maintenance work on the side to earn some extra money.


                Hello my name is Andy, I am a beginner in electronics repair, I am 30 years old and I love to learn more from the community here.


                  Hi everyone, my name is Julian, im 28 and i like to repair things myself, i brake a lot of thing but.. i try ^^ thanks for helping us !


                    hello i am Javier, i live in mexico city, i repair consoles and phones


                      Love to learn about what makes everything tick... I am very stoked about this forum.


                        M6 name is Nawaz and intrested in firmwares, backpack files


                          hi nice too meet you all integrants my name is josept 29 years old im Peruvian


                            Hi Gentlemen,
                            I landed here searching for solution to cleanup unknown Admin pass set on my company laptop.
                            The IT department people contacted DELL support, asked for recovery code ... and it failed !
                            I was asked to fix it myself ...

                            In recent BIOS-es DELL disabled recovery path using default pass, because of CVE vulnerability

                            Warning: If the Master Password Lockout option is selected and the customer subsequently forgets the password,
                            Dell will not be able to assist in the recovery of passwords.
                            The platform will be unrecoverable, and the motherboard or hard drive will need to be replaced.

                            That's the reason why our IT failed to unlock my Laptop 5530, even with code provided by DELL support
                            Precision5530 bios isSo time for hw ;-)

                            My previous topic




                              I'm 32 from France and passionate about hardware in general.
                              I'm starting to learn about bios, chip, dump etc.
                              Thanks for this place look amazing


                                Hi I am Zaheer


                                  Saying 'thank you' for help is respectful (and expected).
                                  Providing 'help' is a pleasure.

                                  However, self introduction is not a strong point of mine.
                                  And being forced to do so is almost as bad as being
                                  forced to speak in public. Such a shame.

                                  I may as well resign.


                                    Hi my name is musty and work in fix or phones and pc computers i have 28 years old.


                                      Hello my name is musty from izmir and work in fix or phones and pc computers i have 28 years old.


                                        My name is Mirko im from Serbia, doing repairing electronics and some time Laptops.


                                          Hi, I'm just a regular bloke trying to help disadvantaged (poor) get their comp gear up and running.

