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New Members - please post your introductions here

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    oie alguem ai tem grupos de programacao ou algo do tipo


      Hi everyone!

      My name is Jomari Sarte, and I'm thrilled to be joining this amazing community. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and share a bit about my background, interests, and what brings me here.

      I hail from Seattle, a city known for its vibrant tech scene and beautiful natural surroundings. Professionally, I work as a freelance technician. I've been in this field for eight years, and it's been an incredible journey. My work primarily involves troubleshooting and repairing various tech devices, providing IT support, and helping clients optimize their technology use. I am particularly passionate about solving complex technical issues and ensuring that technology works seamlessly for everyone.

      In terms of education, I studied Information Technology at the University of Washington, where I developed a strong foundation in networking, hardware, and software troubleshooting. My academic background has been instrumental in shaping my career and continues to inspire my professional growth.

      When I'm not working, I enjoy indulging in a variety of hobbies and interests. These include hiking, reading, and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen. For instance, I love exploring the many trails in the Pacific Northwest, getting lost in a good science fiction novel, and trying out new and challenging dishes from different cuisines. These activities provide me with a perfect balance to my professional life and help me stay energized and motivated.

      I discovered this community through a friend who spoke highly of the engaging discussions and supportive atmosphere here. I was immediately drawn to it because of the diverse topics and the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. The sense of camaraderie and the wealth of knowledge shared here are truly inspiring. I am eager to contribute my own experiences and insights, and equally excited to learn from all of you.

      Specifically, I am interested in discussions about the latest advancements in technology, best practices for tech support, and personal growth strategies. I hope to engage in meaningful discussions, share useful resources, and collaborate on exciting projects. Additionally, I am always open to networking and building connections with other professionals in the field.

      On a personal note, I am passionate about environmental sustainability and strive to incorporate eco-friendly practices into my everyday life. I believe that small changes can make a big difference, and I look forward to bringing this perspective into our community discussions.

      Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, need assistance, or just want to chat. I am here to contribute and to be part of this wonderful network of individuals.

      Looking forward to getting to know everyone and to a fruitful and engaging experience here!


        Hello everyone!

        My name is Carlos, and I am a Computer Science graduate with an overflowing passion for electronics. Currently, I work as a network administrator in a company in my country, but my true passion lies in everything related to computers and their components.

        Since I was a child, I would disassemble any electronic device that fell into my hands. Whether it's a motherboard, video card, or laptop, I've always had an inexplicable fascination with understanding how they work and, of course, how to repair them. My love for electronics has led me to maintain a blog where I share schematics of motherboards, video cards and other devices for free ( come by and give it some love. I firmly believe in community and the idea that knowledge should be accessible to everyone.

        I am always willing to learn and help in any way I can. So if you have any questions or need assistance with any electronic issues, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm excited to be part of this community and share our experiences!

        See you soon!


          Hi i am JAF B from philippines, newly laptop trchnician, thanks for accepting me


            Ciao, sono ivan, sono un tecnico informatico con specializzazione in micro saldature avanzate.


              I'm newbie i joined the forum to gain more knowledge in repairing electronics gadgets especially on laptop and destop motherboards. Thanks for granting my request to join the forum.


                Hello! We are company in Bulgaria for repairing computers - Долфи Сървиз
                I am the general manager of it. And this forum help alot of us to find the correct bios and etc.
                I am glad that i use it,
                thank you everyone!


                  hello everyone, just got into the hobby of repairing some electronic devices 😅


                    Thanks once again for the privilege of becoming part of this body of knowledge.


                      Hi all


                        Hola todos, estoy acá para ver algunos diagramas y si tengo también los compartiré.


                          Hey guys, joining here on behalf of all at Data Recovery Lab in the United Kingdom! Spending many hours and parts on soldering and BGA, BadCaps has certainly saved our backside many times with resources and board layouts saving us a lot of headache and time.
                          Myself, I am 21 and responsible for the mobile devices and specialist board repair side of DRL. Just finished university, graduating first class in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics.


                            Hi folks, I am from USA. I am almost retired ( End of August this year). I have been in the IT industry for about 35 years. I am IT Security professional last 10 years. Currently have quite a few computers of all kinds and only build them myself since the early days of my career. I started on a 286 cpu based IBM clone, soundblaster sound card and VGA graphics. I am self taught and read the IBM DOS manual to learn how to do anything on it. It took some time but was worth the effort. Today I enjoy playing with ARM processors and programming with C on microcontrollers and interfacing electronics to the controllers. I also like to repair electronics and have a general understanding of electronic principles. I am completely self taught and find it is not hard to learn when you are motivated to learn new things. I have become proficient in soldering and microsoldering techniques, so working on circuit boards comes easy for me. I currently as a side fun thing, fix Playstation 5 consoles I buy from ebay and then give them away to my family members and friends.


                              Hi Guys,

                              I'm new here! My name is Bhavin.

                              I work with an ITAD company in Canada and have 20 years of system-related experience. We resell IT stuff like servers, laptops, desktops, and switches.

                              Right now, I'm working on a new project that needs firmware updates on laptops and desktops. I don't have knowledge of updating firmware but I do know how to solder.

                              I'm so happy to find this forum to get more information about laptop BIOS updates


                                Hello everyone

                                I'm from the UK and have been interested in electronics for many years. I hate throwing things away so I stumbled across this forum where I might gain some extract knowledge on how to keep things working.


                                  I joined this forum so i could get more info about how to fix electronics.
                                  I study mechanical engineering and love to fix stuff that is broken or just build stuff.


                                    Hi everyone I'm Kristian a resent graduate of my Batchelor degree in IT Tech .... I'm here to gain and share knowledge


                                      I joined this forum so i could get more info about how to fix electronics.
                                      I study mechanical engineering and love to fix stuff that is broken or just build stuff.


                                        New member here....
                                        I will try not to make this too long, but I'll try to keep this short and sweet.
                                        I came across this site trying to a patch for bios supervisor password rest/remover for a carbon x1 gen 2 20A7... anyway I'm just a simple many that loves technology and I do try to fix everything I can but that's if I can so here, I am and so glad I came across this site and I'm very grateful for the info I have read in the threads. Also, I love the fact so many people here help one another, and the positive feedback is great!
                                        My name is Jim and thanks for letting me join Bedcap's


                                          Hi, there.
                                          I'm new on this forum and from France, i love to repair all kind of things and later I was trying to get the identification of the battery connector on an HP Pavilion x2 TPN-i121... A friend of mine got his broken when attempting to change the battery.

