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New Members - please post your introductions here

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    Hello, electronics enthusiast


      Hello, ive been 18 years old. Im trying to learn more how hardware works.


        Hi everyone , I'm new, just here to learn . Thanks


          Hi, my name is Amine. I'm an electromechanical engineer and an amateur TV repair enthusiast. I also have a hobby in electronics and enjoy understanding how things work


            Hi This is Sam Malik,
            I have a computer repair business in Toronto. We repair MacBook and laptop logic board problems for local businesses.
            In business for last 25 years.

            Hoping to join this group and benefit form the community here and be a part of help for others with our experience.



              Hello everyone.
              I joined the group to get my Cyberpower PSU back to charging batteries again.
              So far, I am truly amazed at how the community comes in, HELPS, and does not try to put you down for not knowing enough about what you are asking for help with.
              I've been a member of other forums where the members will downgrade you for asking for help, and I tell you, it is nerve-wracking, to say the least.

              Thanks, Badcaps, for having a friendly community of volunteers who actually want to help.
              It means a lot to those of us who are either unfamiliar with the electrical parts of our lives or have forgotten things over the years.

              Take care, everyone.
              Wayne Barron


                'm from the algeria and have been interested in electronics for many years. I hate throwing things away so I stumbled across this forum where I might gain some extract knowledge on how to keep things working.


                  Hi all.

                  General tinkerer here. Background in analog electronics since I was 12. Now a business owner by day, IT Sysadmin network engineer by night, and 'reverse engineering hacker' when the curiosity strikes

                  Managed to figure out how to reset eeprom in the sybt5 APC packs for the symmetra LX and have been playing with eeprom programming ever since.

                  Throughout this experience learned how to smd and bgp solder where my prior experience stopped at through hole.

                  Know a bit of a lot in tech, business, and history.

                  Very likely on the spectrum.
                  Nice to meet you all.


                    Hello everyone


                      Hello guys, i am here for researching tech, it will be nice to meet you guys. Btw im a laptop technician.


                        Hello, my name's Theopius Yosan, usually called Ojan, im from indonesia, i joined this forum to learn electronics especially computers.


                          I'm new to this forum and stumbled on it when researching bad capacitors that plague us on cheap electronics. I'm not new to repairing electronic boards (as I have to on my old and outdated analog equipment) but any new ideas/methods/etc are always a pleasure to me - I'm not an expert and learning by doing is what I enjoy most.
                          John Graham


                            Hi everyone,
                            I here to learn some electronic.


                              hello friends. Feel so good to be included here @ Badcaps. Yup electronics is what i'm interested in. and m,ost of my years were spent in this passion profession made it as well as my bread and butter. I also have my own office doing repairs online.... Thank you very much Badcaps... thumbs up to all of you guys.


                                Je suis la pour apprendre la répartition des cartes mères des laptop. Merci


                                  Je suis la pour apprendre la répartition des cartes mères des laptop. Merci


                                    I'm interested in electronics, HW and SW with some programming skills.
                                    I wanted to join trhe group to learn more and hopefully be able to help some in the future.


                                      Hi all,

                                      Stubbled upon this forum and it looked like there was a lot of useful information.
                                      Trained Electronics Engineer, who spends his time running an automotive test lab, so the only electronics I get to play with are repairs on the test machines.
                                      Mostly I have to deal with corporate bull.
                                      Looking to start doing repairs at home to save my sanity!!


                                        Hi! I'm a hobbyist that loves electronics and learning I'm really excited to be part of the forum and to hone in my skills. My motto is "anything can be fixed... you just need to be good enough" and I know we can all help each other!


                                          Hello,i found old laptop that i,m trying to fix.Hope to learn some basic knowledge here.

