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New Members - please post your introductions here

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    Bună ziua! Vorbe multe? Nu! De la 8080. 8086, Z80, 286.386, 486......I5, i7, Ryzen ... Avatarul ar trebui să spună destule. Mă bucur să fiu alături de voi aici!


      Salut! : Model laptop: Acer E1-510 Z5WE3. Jndiferent de sistemul de operare (W10/11/8), nu recunoaște mouse-ul wifi decât după mai multe reseturi.
      Am adus Bios nou- Z5WE3214W v. 2.14A. Degeaba! Are cineva vreo soluție? Mulțumesc!


      • SMDFlea
        SMDFlea commented
        Editing a comment
        Please go to the forum index to find the relevent forum section to post your request in.This thread is just for introductions.And post in english !

      hello everyone hello freinds im thankful to everybody in this great forum
      im othmane from morocco living in a city called beni mellal having 2 workshops one for repairing laps and desktops and sencond for selling
      i found a lot of solutions on this great site that s why i want to tell you all that you re the true meaning of genius mens


        Hello, I am new.
        And a few years ago, I watched a tutorial on YouTube and started my own repair shop.
        I hope that by increasing my knowledge in this profession, I can succeed and solve the problems of people's systems.
        I have the same wish for all of you, please be together as long as we live, after death there is only loneliness


          Hello everyone, My username is Alzas i'm doing board repair for my hobby


            I am a new member here.
            Not Native English speaker.
            My name is Dipayan
            I have interest in fixing things. I do love computers and games and music.
            I am currently learning python programming language. Wish you all good health. ❤️


              I am a new member here.
              My name is Malshan
              I have an interest in laptop repair.


                Hi, my name is Sergejs, I'm a new member here, I'm from Latvia. I like to fix broken electronic when I have free time.


                  Hello, im Felipe, and im an auto ditada learner. Thank you guys for this forum, its really amazing!


                    Hello! Talk a lot? Not! From 8080. 8086, Z80, 286,386, 486......I5, i7, Ryzen ... Avatar should say enough. I'm glad to be with you here!


                      Hi Guys,

                      Strolling on the web for answers about pc problems and found this site. I'm a musician and not so technical as I would like to be..


                        Hello members, my name is ricky iam from germany and fix hardware for hobby if have free time


                          Hi, i'm from france.
                          I made some hacking with the Wii, and RGH.
                          I found a 4.00 PS5 and i will search to enjoy it.


                            HI! I came to this forum looking for a solution to my password locked laptop. I like doing things myself and hopefully I'll be able to unlock it ASAP! For now, I'll do some research


                              thanks google search led me here and Im writing here because I neeed a bios file for my hp 20-c412nh


                                Meu nome é Murilo, tenho 29 anos
                                Fiz uma pesquisa no google pois estou procurando o esquema elétrico do Ideapad 330s 15SERIES


                                  New to BadCaps. Retired military IT/electronics background (22 years), followed by 8 years as a DoD contractor, then 12 years as DoD civil service IT specialist. Now fully retired but still dabble in IT and Amateur radio electronics related activities/repairs. Cheers.


                                    Hello, I like electronics, but I'm still very much a novice since I've only been at it for a short time. However, I really enjoy repairing things as a hobby. Regards


                                      Hello, everyone. My name is Long, and I like to repairing electronics in my spare time. I don't like throwing stuffs away. Have a good day!


                                        boa noite a todos. sou tecnico em eletronica e estou começando a fazer reparos em placas de notebooks, não tenho muita experiencia, mais estou treinando e estudando sobre o assunto, espero em breve esta contribuindo com postagens que ajudem o forum crescer mais.

