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New Members - please post your introductions here

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    i friends this ragav from tamilnadu..


      Hi. My goal is to fix laptops and to learn valuable intel from the great and noble helpers on this forum. A heartfelt thanks in advance for all the help.


        Hi to all my new friends in this forum... have a good day


          Hello! hope to be able to learn something!


            Happy to join the community, long time lurker...


              Hello. Just a girl (who may have girl bossed a bit too close to the sun) trying to learn about electronic repairs.


                Hello! I'm FFT_62. Happy to join the forum😀.


                  Hi all in this forum... have a good day


                    Thank you very much for having me. I am in Mauritius. I would like to acquire mo knowledge from you forum.


                      My name is Alberto, I'm 26 years old, and I'm quite new to this field. I'm the little geek who loves fixing everything. I'm a software developer, but I enjoy troubleshooting and repairing faulty devices on the side.

                      Thank you for any help you can provide!


                        Hi everyone,

                        My name is Daniele Torrisi, and I'm excited to join this forum of electronics professionals. I have extensive experience working as a technician, specializing in motherboards for PCs, smartphones, consoles, and MacBooks. I'm thrilled to be part of this community because I love sharing knowledge, learning from others, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the field.

                        Looking forward to connecting with all of you!


                          Heya everyone

                          Hoping to learn lots of stuff from here, heh


                            Hello. I made this account because my GPU died a few months back and I needed some schematics, and now I'm doing some research regarding a lenovo laptop with a bios password.


                              Hello guys. I'm Peter from Haifa. I have been repairing electronics since 2011. I hope we can become friends.


                                Guess I'll introduce myself as well (joined a few weeks back but never got around to looking through all the other sections until now).
                                I started off in the early 80's with an Atari 1200xl (buggy computer though). I upgraded to a 130xe and had the memory doubled to 320k (oohhh...ahhhh) for a killer huge ramdisk (for an Atari anyway). I ran the Riverboat BBS (east coast Philadelphia area) off of it with 2 stock 1050 disk drives and 2 modified 1050's that did true double density. Those along with my HUGE ramdisk gave me just over 1meg of storage (more ohhh's and ahhh's). I customized FoReM BBS software to run as seperate modules that loaded each other from ramdisk (since the atari only had 64k useable memory, and FoReM was 63k in size, it didn't leave much room for customizing, by splitting the login, msg boards and download sections into seperate basic programs it let me do a lot of really cool ATASCII animated prompts and ASCII art things). It worked really well and since BBS's were all the rage back in the day I had a loyal and steady stream of callers (one dude called from Alaska!). I ran the BBS for about 3-4 years and my sysop handle was Huck Finn (I know, dorky...but hey, I was a kid AND a nerd/geek/dweeb). Once I started driving, my focus changed from computers to cars and I went into the automotive repair field after high school (in hind sight, this was a bad move financially as I would probably have been a bizzillionaire from the whole dot com craze had I stuck with computers...socially however it was easier picking up girls as a gear head so I guess it may balance out). Over the last few decades as cars became more computer equipped and I used more computerized devices to fix them, I found myself slowly migrating back into the field and now I do programming and databasing for Pocket PC's. So there's my history in a nutshell. Hello everyone!


                                  Hello ,
                                  I'm a new member of your website and enjoy fixing laptops as a hobby. However, my main expertise is in security, and I have a strong knowledge of electrical engineering and information technology (ETIT). I graduated from a German university.


                                    Greetings & Salutations‼️

                                    I have been dabbling in & about the computer industry for the past 30 odd years or so. I love building computers & refurbishing others, including notebooks. I keep up with the latest OSs & other software that I feel that is a necessary necessity for daily computing use.





                                        Delete sorry.
                                        Last edited by Z4ck; 08-25-2024, 10:38 AM. Reason: I already did an intro so long ago & I forgot


                                          Hi everyone,
                                          This is Matt. I'm a tech-nerd who grew up with 56k, then DSL. I built my first desktop computer when I was 13 and have been tinkering with tech gadgets since. I'm excited to be a member of this forum and look forward to contributing.

