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New Members - please post your introductions here

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    Hi! Hobby DIYer based in Sweden.


      Thank you very much for the warm welcome!

      Hello everyone!
      My name is Zoltán, I am a Hungarian citizen, and I currently live here. I was brought up in Germany, but since I am on the eastern side, unfortunately the English language has been left out of my life. So I can only communicate with you with a translation program. Please forgive me for my mistakes.I am a locksmith, welder, and electrician. I have been married for 28 years, I have two children, both boys. They are adults and live separate lives.

      Obviously, I searched the Internet because I had problems with my two computers. It is very difficult to find a site where they are selflessly willing to help people solve these problems. I owe thanks to everyone in advance, because according to my understanding, time is our most precious asset in life. he still gives of this to others, he is surrounded by great respect in my eyes!!

      Sorry again for the mistakes! I hope I'm posting in the right place. Don't be sorry if I'm not! I'm a newbie here, unfortunately I've been searching, but I couldn't find an option like a new post.

      I appreciate your understanding! Greetings from Hungary! Zoltán

      Before I registered, I read the site a lot and saw the helpfulness of the people, it immediately captivated me. I don't know how to or can I open a new topic, because I haven't found it on my machines so far. If anyone could help me with this, I would be grateful!! I think this can be done in a personal message.


        Hello everyone,

        My name is Robert Monthes, and I'm new to this forum. I am an electronics repair enthusiast with a special focus on laptops, particularly MacBooks.

        I've been learning about diagnosing and repairing logic boards and have realized that this forum is a fantastic community to delve deeper into the topic. Although I am still in the early stages of my learning journey, I am excited to enhance my skills and collaborate with other members.

        I hope to contribute to the forum and also learn from the experiences and knowledge of the community. Thank you for welcoming me!

        Best regards,
        Robert Monthes


          Mi nombre es Jesús y soy un adicto a los foros. :oops: He estado en esta afición durante varios años e incontables veces he intentado parar, pero es inútil... Necesito alimentar mi adicción al aprendizaje... :!:

          Ahora un poco sobre mí... Soy un tipo bastante reservado en términos de privacidad en la red... especialmente cuando las cosas que escribes son visibles para cualquiera con una conexión a la red. Pero me encanta compartir la información y el conocimiento que tengo, así que por eso estoy aquí, para compartir y aprender.

          Tengo experiencia en electronica y microelectronica y siempre he tenido una fascinación por la tecnología. Me considero una persona curiosa, siempre buscando nuevas cosas que aprender y experimentar.

          Al encontrar este lugar, supe que sería un buen sitio para seguir expandiendo mi conocimiento y ayudar a otros en el proceso. Así que, aquí estoy, dispuesto a compartir lo que sé y aprender de todos ustedes.




              Hi, I'm making a shift into electronics following a career in data analysis. At the moment, I'm getting familiar with the fundamentals by attempting to fix a laptop I have around the house. I'm studying schematics and working my way through an electronics textbook to establish a strong foundation in this intriguing field.




                  have a good day i'm newbie member here,
                  hope i'm welcome



                    hi Im new here. I have 10 years experience in troubleshooting computers. Our shop close due to pandemic.Right now we have my own shop and striving to give good service and repair.


                      Hi All, im a 60year old male, love life and willing to learn something new.
                      what brought me here..... my laptop died and i would like to learn how to repair it.
                      have basic basic electronic skills and no smd or dealing with multi layed boards what so ever....

                      looking foward to the challange



                        Hi im new here




                            Hi! I'm from Montreal, Quebec. I fix and upgrade computers on my spare time. This time I needed help for my niece computer to upgrade a few things before she goes to school. Glad to have found this forum.


                              Olá meu nome é Ricardo, estou procurando mais informações sobre os assuntos no fórum sobre eletrônica.


                                i am mr. nobody from nowhere
                                thnx4 having me




                                    Hi, I'm a mechatronics engineering student. Currently starting with gpu repair as a hobbie.


                                      Un placer con todos


                                        i am small busness man from My Amsterdam, i do love to make things easier for myself and for others, this is why i like so shere my opnion and make the best of it in every moment of my daily life


                                          estou aqui

