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    Hi, I'm Kamil. I specialise in desktop computer repair and value order and tidiness. I hope to be able to share my knowledge and help someone and maybe someone will help me when I run into a wall


      Hello I'm Mr. Dave, I'm new here. Thank you.. :-)
      happy to be here with you all..


        not sure if im doing this right. never really been a forum user but i see lots of interesting information here. Hello my name is David and I'm from Ft. Worth Texas (Cowtown) . I just turned 51 years old and i feel every bit of it.. I've been looking for bios .Bin files for H Pand that hasn't worked out well yet.


          My name is David and working on computers is just a hobby now. I was mostly a hardware guy back in the gap. I'm 51 now and I dabble with some software programing or more try to anyway . I never really understood it to much . I just set up the infrastructure and installed the software and let the software guys do their thing ya know.


            Hi, I'm Ian, and have been working with computers since uni. I'm 60ish now; keeping old hardware going is something I tend to do a lot.


              Hello every-one my name is Ryan From Phillipine my job Cp tech apple /secondary laptop


                Hello everyone. My name is Hayato. I'm from Japan and I work as a web writer.



                  I'm from Spain, south spain to be precise, and I work fixing computers, and that half of the time brings me here, so I just join to enjoy all the perks of being a registered user, and will try to contribute as I can.

                  Thanks for creating and mantaining this forum, this is a reminder on how good the original internet was, not the one we have today.



                    Banyak sekali info berguna di sini, kerja bagus!


                      Brasileiro 21 anos novo por aqui. trabalho a 6 anos já como técnico estou a procura de aprimorar meus conhecimentos em gerais e compartilhar os meus próprios. grato brasil !


                        Ola me chamo Romulo, sou brasileiro e um amador dessa parte tecnica dos hardware.
                        Estudei informática em 2008 e nunca mais tinha focado nessa área. Fui para outras áreas mas agora depois de anos, estou aqui de volta. Recentemente fiz a aquisição de varias peçasentre placas de video e placas mãe em um leilão, porem estão todos danificados. Agora preciso concerta-los ou vender seus componentes e nada melhor que um forum de informatica pra entrar nesse mundo. Desde já agradeço a todos e principalmente aos moderadores da pagina.


                          Hello all, experts and newbees,
                          I'm Jan from France and happy to share experiences on this open forum. :-)
                          I'm mainly software specialist despite a (old) electronic background.
                          I'm used to use HP platform, mainly Elitebook PCs, at work and for my family, from the eldest to the most recent ones.
                          Last edited by JanBono; 09-04-2024, 11:34 AM. Reason: Give precsions on my techno background


                            hi guys good to be here


                              hi IT guy looking for help sometimes


                                appassionato di informatica dalla nascita del Commodore 64 ora ormai ultra cinquantenne che perde colpi ..-)
                                quando ho tempo mi diletto a riparare laptop desktop smartphone per amici .
                                Ciao a tutti


                                  Hello guys, itooknow here, wondering how I am just coming across this forum after 21 years. Ouch! I am mainly a tinkerer (hardware and software), been dabbling for about 2 decades now. Not sure I'll be slowing down anytime soon, not with the pace at which everything is accelerating. I am here to learn, and share.


                                    New here fixing computers for a long time but first time ive had the issues ive had, seems like a very helpful forum and will be sure to stick around.


                                      Hi guys, just decided to join your lovely forums.
                                      I'm here to talk about computer electronics and sharpen my electronics skills. I'm a system engineer in the real life but i'd like to improve my skills in repairing laptop.


                                        Hey gang. I'm David, I'm from the American Southeast, I'm a first year college student, and I specialize in analog signals and data transmission.

                                        Been tinkering since I could reach the toolbox, I make a lot of circuit bent instruments, I like to mess around with CRT tubes, spent a year or two working for a tube amp company, and I know CRT TVs like the back of my hand
                                        If you ever need help with CRT stuff, or you need resources for circuit bending ( I collect vintage circuit bending zines and the like) feel free to dm me


                                          Hello I'm Goldstar, I'm new here. Thank you.

