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    Hello I'm a CS student in LV, Nevada and on this site to learn


      Good Afternoon Everyone,
      I am new to the electronics repair game, but not to PCs, servers, NAS, and other peripherals. I am not an expert by any means, just a hobbiest who enjoys reparing things. I hope to get to know some of you as I delve deeper into various topics. Thank you in advance for your assistance.


        Muy buenas , me presento, soy un apasionado de la electrónica de notebooks y me encanta los foros para aprender y ayudar con mi granito de arena, desde ya muchas gracias a todos!


          Hello everyone,
          My name is Rugel and I'm an hobbyist repairguy here in St. Louis, MO.
          I mostly repair electronics for friends and family and I think this forum will be quite helpful in trying to solve the more complicated board-level issues that I haven't been able to solve till now.




              Buenas noches, tengo un Notebook Hp Pavilion X360 14-cd1021la. Estaba trabajando en unas planillas de excel. No presento ningun sintoma o anomalia durante los 2 dias que lo estuve usando. Lo apague en forma normal y al otro dia cuando lo quise utilizar no hace nada. No tiene ninguna luz , el cargador lo probe en otro HP un elitebook 820G1 y esta bueno , carga sin problemas. Estuve tratando de buscar informacion del equipo, como el circuito esquematico, alguna referencia de fallas y no he podido encontrar nada.
              Me llamo Luis y soy de Santiago - Chile.


                Thank you for having this forum.


                  Thanks for this amazing resource


                    Hi all of you.
                    I'm interested in computers for 40 years. I had an Atari 600xl, ST, and then windows. I love old style computing, dos based software, and fixing computers.


                      I am a hardware engineer and can learn a lot of new knowledge from this website. Thank you for building this platform and providing a lot of help.


                        Hello evreybody;
                        My name is Walid I'm from Algeria, I want to join your forums. I found this place when I was searching for schematic of my laptop to reparing and i found it in your amazing forum thank you guys, I'll be share my experiance here


                          My name is Laure, I'm French, I like to understand why my devices do not work so I come especially to learn (and repair if possible), having no knowledge in electronics (no relation to my work) there will be work !!! I hope you will accept a noob like me.


                            My name is Wilson. I repair electronic gadgets whenever I feel I can fix it, In short, I am a hobbyist technician and a life long learner.


                              Hello everyone, I'm currently studying on how to repair motherboards in board level and want to gain a deeper knowledge on how exactly computer works.


                                Hello there, I'm good at software, quite a newbie in hardware, here to learn


                                  Greeting fellow hackers. I use the term as it was originally used back when I built my first computer, a SOL-20 terminal computer built from a schematic and a parts kit that attached the metal upper portion of the "case" complete with built-in keyboard, to the oak base and oak sides. The mainboard attached to the oak base and had a backplane for adding additional capabilities like the radio shack portable tape drive I used for external "permanent storage" of the small BASIC programs and data for the little 8bit 8080 processor with a whopping 1K of memory that reached a staggering 8K after 3 upgrades and finally 64K after about 16 upgrades because I needed the "largest memory model" it supported for some of the more complex programs I was writing to create an encrypted packet radio network application for HAM radio operators to exchange data.

                                  At roughly the same time I was working on IBM 360 and 370 mainframes with paper tape readers and punch card readers, DEC PDP 11, and various Honeywell mainframe hardware interfacing it with a variety of equipment like CRTs and radio equipment for networking and writing the first full screen editors that were a major boost in productivity over the paper tape and punch card readers which we phased out as we were upgrading to 110 baud teletypewriters for interactive computing instead of submitting jobs as batches using job entry control language which still was entered through the paper tape and punch card readers. It finally got really interesting when we got our first 30 MB Disk Storage unit with a stak of 9 platters the size of 10" LP, and we were tasked with interfacing a variety of analog equipment for different problem spaces with the digital hardware that was taking over even though I predicted at the time thete was much more use for analog computing to come, and recently we are seeing more research and intetest in thst area again which is very exciting to me.

                                  Somewhere in there I worked with Alpha Micro building one of the first multi-user microcomputers based on WD hardware, which was upgraded to the Motorola 68000 chipset and finally to the x86 architecture with a 68000 emulator for backwards compatability.

                                  I always loved tinkering with the hardware which earned me the hacker title back in the day. Never satisfied with what was available I was busy jumpering boards so they could support multiple monitors over which I could visialize the giant matrices I was working with for scientific problem solving after I decided to actually get some formal education in electrical and software engineering from a university. Since I worked full time I spent about 10 years fitting in enough coursework to finally earn a masters degree in CSEE just about the time I transitioned away from the engineering and ito the business administration side of high tech.

                                  Eventually I ended up being mostly an executive but my sk8lls were still needed from time to time as we envisioned new products and markets to penetrative so I became more than a hardware or software engineer as I built, grew, and sold several tech companies that specialized in custom hardware and interfacing computers with healthcare equipment for diagnosis and treatment of cancer, laser eye surgery and building electronic medical records and practice management systems, and finally building data centers to support the EMR and MPM systems we built for hospitals, and medical imaging systems for cancer centers and also ophthalmologists pioneering laser eye surgery.

                                  But I never lost the love of hacking the systems, troubleshooting hardware issues, and tieing it all together with software engineering skills to build expert systems and the early implementations of semantic networks and rudimentary neural networks built using C, C++, ALGOL, LISP and Scheme that were the precursors to the more advanced neural networks, LLMs, and what we now call AI. I've been doing this for 45 years, and I thought it might be nice to check out this forum and see what it has to offer and what I might be able to contribute.


                                    so what brought me here? a broken Samsung TV QLED GQ65Q60
                                    I am sadly not a tech guy, but thought I could try to fix the reboot problem with the TV. Will post the issue in the proper topic. But yea: I m from Germany, working in business consulting, and am just a hobby technician. Can do simple repairs. Anything too sophisticated is not my thing


                                      Hello Everyone, just joined the forum and looking forward to learning since working on electronics has always intrigued me and I'm at that point i can start making electronic repair a hobby. Hopefully I can make some online friends too which is always fun!




                                        Hello, I am newly joined computer engineer and digital electronics hobbyist.


                                          Hi all,

                                          I'm Dan and I am looking at broadening my knowledge in board level repairs, I have 24 years experience in computers. Located in south England

                                          Looking forward to learning as much as possible

