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    im just tryin to download something to fix my missing DMI data



      i'm Sascha and I do EE stuff as a hobby (circuit design, ...) since 10 years and just came across fixing electronic stuff because my son starts to breaking things

      For a living i do IT security and IT administration for a medium-size IT service provider.

      I'm mainly here for exchange with people and of course to maybe find some schematics / board views I need to repair things.

      A nice weekend to everyone!


        My name is Daniel, and I am passionate about electronics. I find this forum very interesting.


          hello im tomohiror i not so sel krtn but maybe okay or something to be to.




              Hi, I'm Kris! I'm from the UK and slowly getting into BIOS repairs. This field fascinates me, and I'm using this site to document my journey, share what I learn, and connect with others interested in firmware and hardware troubleshooting. If you're curious about BIOS repairs, stick around—let's learn together!

              Currently having problems with a HP zBook 17 G6 Which I am unable to fix. Ill post a request in the right section in a few days. I'm determined to Fix it myself 😎


                Hello everyone Trained as an electronics engineer then a computer scientist, even though I no longer work in these fields today (60 years old), all my life I have never really been able to move away from my initial training and I have always felt obliged to troubleshoot broken equipment...!!!! probably a problem related to childhood, I don't know...happy to join this forum even if it is not my native language !


                  Hello to all forum members am not a professional tech guy , but this is my passion.
                  Regards Piter from Athens


                    Hi everyone!

                    Im new to the forum and excited to join the community. I have a passion for computer hardware, especially motherboard repairs, capacitor issues, and general electronics troubleshooting.

                    Right now, i'm facing an issue with my Alienware M15 R5 BIOS. [Not POST, black screen]. If anyone has experience troubleshooting this, I'd really appreciate some guidance!

                    Looking forward to exchanging knowledge, learning from experienced members, and contributing where I can.

                    Glad to be here, and I hope to connect with all of you!


                      Hello, I hope to learn and have fun. Here I will give some information about my fetish with machines hehe

                      When I was younger my father had a laptop (I don't remember the model) but the case, which was shit, broke everywhere and since I used it to play pvz or minecraft I had to fix it. It was always a headache because I didn't understand anything about components and it was never an option to leave it lying there in a corner. I always went and I'm the quiet virgin who understands machines and who gets their broken devices. I like these types of forums because I have fun and even though I'm a little clumsy because of my age, I understand what's happening, thank you :P


                        Hi everyone,
                        My name is Lukas, I'm from Poland. My passion are computer hardware, now i'm learning how to repair motherboards and how to diagnose it correctly.

                        I hope will find many information about it.

                        Best regards


                          Hello everyone its Junior here , Im a tech fan and i like to tweak everything on my computers and electronics , i am currently learning to solder desolder laptop components , all my knowledge come from youtube so yeah quite low , but im happy tho , hope you guys can help me as i'l ltry to help you all too.


                            Hello , im a tech passionate i would love to learn as much as i can on this forum , thanks a lot to everyone


                              Hi all hope to find interesting things on this forum


                                Hello, the best electronics forum


                                  my name is Terje always been a casual reader of your informative information. Thank you for bringing it to us


                                    Hey everyone,

                                    My name is Youssef, and I'm really passionate about laptops, especially when it comes to repairs and troubleshooting. Lately, I've been focusing a lot on BIOS-related issues—flashing, unlocking, and fixing corrupted BIOS. I joined this forum to expand my knowledge, exchange experiences, and learn from others who are experienced in laptop repairs.


                                      Ah hell, I might as well post here. I'll probably check in from time to time, as the pile of recapped boards grows.

                                      Generic jack(al)-of-all-trades, doing a little bit of everything from raytracer design to marine diesels. Not excellent at much, but can feign a passing knowlegde of just about anything. Started with computers on a Trash-80, and used just about everything since. Current primary interests are raytracing, 2-stroke engine design, building microcontroller-based water treatment systems, and attempting to get in touch with my creative side, which even though I've yet to see any sign of it, everyone insists I must have somewhere.

                                      Did my first recapping about 3 years ago, and have done a number since... All of them have been mine or friends', as soldering isn't one of my favorite activities. (even with a good filter fan, still not healthy, plus it's just not a very interesting job...) Current projects are a MSI 694D Pro V1.0 (see other posting) and a FIC KA11 (Mostly "I.Q." caps, all of which look toasted, with three leaking, and one splattered all over the board. A few Teapos that look ok, and a few "S.I.(r)" (registered symbol) caps that look ok. I'll post on it in the "other motherboards" section at some point)

                                      Male, 6'0", mostly grey wolf with a few other things thrown in (do a wikipedia for "furry" if that seems a little odd to anyone), straight... oh, this is an introduction, not a personals ad.

                                      Current real job is the rather repetitive task of installing directv systems... mostly pays the bills. sometimes. Past jobs have included two years teaching computer engineering to college students (ended with me getting fired, for refusing to dumb-down my class into a new-world-order approved little robot training center), installing security cameras, carpentry, general electrical, plumbing, av/hifi repair (mostly silver-era receivers... mmm, discrete output stages...), web design and programming (mostly database-backed web sites), toy store owner, putting microcontrollers into new and interesting places, linux sysadmin, and just about anything else that was available when bills needed paying.

                                      Current spare-time projects are a raytracer, a 1/4 scale petrol r/c car, putting together enough working boxes to build a rendering farm (if anyone has any p3 >600mhz cpus, or boards to put them in, feel free to send them my way. , ranting about the sad state of {world, politics, humanity, education, capitalism}, and on the back burner, designing a programming language with unique OO semantics (started on the reference compiler, but haven't had the time to do much more).

                                      GNU/Linux user, with a bit of freebsd and openbsd thrown in. Can't stand windows. Don't see how anyone uses windows.

                                      Music tastes are mostly classic rock, with quite a distaste for the crap that's called "rock/pop" these days. TV tastes are pretty close to non-existant (probably the only directv installer without a TV), but include Red Dwarf, Blackadder, Father of the Pride, and a few random sci-fi shows. Political tastes tend towards utopianist, with a quite depressing view of most people as selfish, greedy, unthinking, unintelligent, and uncaring, making any attempt at peace or happiness pretty close to impossible.

                                      Present recapping equipment is a weller soldering iron, sylvania vacuum desoldering system, and a TDS210 'scope for testing.

                                      Oh, and I have a habit of rambling on forums, resulting in posts that are way longer than they need to be.

                                      Nice to be here,



                                        I'm fairly new to electronics repair (ER). I have had an interest in electronics all my life, ever since I started pulling stuff apart as a kid to see how they worked
                                        However things were alot simpler then

                                        I'm 49 now, in I.T and am re-learning ER as a hobby. Glad to find a community like this willing to help.




                                          Hello everyone,

                                          Decided to join because there were a number of articles that I cam across when attempting to flash a BIOS and bought a CH431 to learn more about firmware and hardware in general. Appreciate all of the help that people are providing

