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New Members - please post your introductions here
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I'm from Germany and happy to join your community.
Since I don't have a backgroung in electronic engineering or something similiar there's a lot of stuff I don't know about.
I grew up with a pc and videogames and I want to get into fixing and modding them.
I'm currently working on a ps3 and giving it the frankenstein mod though it's proved to be pretty challenging so far and I'm especially afraid breaking it completely while attempting to reball the gpu.
Anyway when I have questions I'll ask and hope I can get some help here^^
At the same time I'll be happy to share what I'll be learning later down the line.
Meu nome é helef e estou muito animado por fazer parte do fórum Badcaps! Tenho 14 anos de experiência como técnico de informática, e ao longo desse tempo, tive a oportunidade de aprender e me aprimorar em diversas áreas da tecnologia.
Minha trajetória começou desde muito cedo, quando, ainda jovem, me interessei pelo funcionamento dos computadores e resolvi começar a mexer neles. O que começou como um hobby se transformou em uma verdadeira paixão, e, com o tempo, passei a realizar serviços de manutenção, formatação, e upgrades de PCs para amigos e conhecidos. A cada desafio, fui aprimorando minhas habilidades, e logo me tornei um profissional técnico dedicado.
Durante esses 14 anos, trabalhei com uma enorme variedade de problemas, desde falhas de hardware e software até questões mais complexas envolvendo redes, segurança e otimização de sistemas. Tive o privilégio de trabalhar em empresas de diferentes tamanhos, o que me permitiu adquirir uma visão ampla e detalhada de como a tecnologia impacta as mais diversas áreas. Além disso, sempre procurei me atualizar e aprender sobre as inovações do setor, participando de cursos e estudando constantemente.
Hoje, estou aqui no Badcaps para compartilhar minha experiência com a comunidade, aprender com os outros membros e, claro, ajudar no que for possível. Acredito que a troca de conhecimento é essencial para o nosso crescimento, e espero poder contribuir com dicas, soluções e também aprender mais sobre o mundo da informática.
Estou à disposição para trocar ideias, responder dúvidas e também fazer novos amigos que compartilham da mesma paixão por tecnologia. Vamos em frente, juntos podemos ir mais longe!
Grande abraço a todos e até logo!
Just noticed this original “introduction” forum. I find it nice to know other members better, so let's introduce myself too. But first I want to mention my old computer junk hanging out somewhere in the house. My first computer was a Philips P2000. This was a robust reliable machine and my exemplar was a limited edition with 512 Kb memory (64 was standard). I tried some assembler programming and that was YUK! I agree 100% with Topcat if it is about machine code or 3GL programming languages. My second computer was a Philips MSX-II. Played with Turbo Pascal, Basic, but still YUK… Switched from XT to Pentium 60 MHz, PIII 500 MHz and my actual computer a HP Pavilion t370. This computer is the only one so far that broke down (4 months), so I ended up here!
Programming was YUK, I found computers boring, so I got a Masters Degree in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, but no (paid) work available in Europe. I work nowadays as Oracle Software Engineer and that is NOT YUK! I enjoy my work as long I have regularly contact with customers and 4GL Case Tools are much nicer than 3GL tools. So, I know a lot about databases, learned a lot about viruses and have quite much knowledge about Sun Solaris and Windows.
I enjoy driving (2,5 hours/day), hanging out with friends, searching and consuming good wines and travelling. I'm 34 years old, living in the South of Holland, as far ‘South' bears any meaning in this small country, and I'm married with a Romanian. I hope too that this forum will be a success and I'll try to contribute.
Just joined because it seems like forums with knowledge are a bit of a dying breed these days and repairs don't seem to be a thing. I work at a boutique effect pedal company and have some knowledge that I gathered myself on how to fix electronics, but no university education on anything so might take some more time to understand concepts. Mostly dealing with audio equipment and this seems like a nice place to gather more knowledge
I'm from Indonesia. I'm excited to join this forum to continue learning more about motherboard repair. I'm still expanding my knowledge, and I look forward to asking questions and learning from all the experienced members here. Happy to be part of the community!
Looking forward to learning and contributing where I can.
Best regards,