Re: Samsung 42" Plasma PN42C450B1D
Sorry I don't see that sticky, only the LED/monitor sticky by someone else. Will search for that thread now.
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Re: Samsung 42" Plasma PN42C450B1D
This is me trying to turn it on, getting a blinking light and clicks. I then try to use the remote and only get a slight blink of the light when I hit the power key.Re: Samsung 42" Plasma PN42C450B1D<b...the power key.Re: Samsung 42" Plasma
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Re: Samsung 42" Plasma PN42C450B1D
Sprry about the blur on a couple of them. Took it apart and checked it out. Again, idk exactly what a blown capacitor is supposed to look like, but I didn't notice anything that looked burned or warped or destroyed on any of the boards. Are there certain ones I am supposed to be checking for? Am I just missing it?
So assuming it isn't a capacitor issue, what else could cause the problem? I will update shortly with a video of what happens when I try...
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Re: Samsung 42" Plasma PN42C450B1D
Hello. I am having a similar issue with the same model television. Samsung PN42C450B1DXZA.
It worked perfectly for years but just recently I went to turn it on and I just hear a few clicks as if it is trying to turn on, then just stops. Never any sort of picture or sound. I have researched a tiny bit and it seems Samsung plasmas are notorious for bad capacitors? I have never seen bad capacitors. Should testing for those be my first step? How do you tell that a capacitor is bad? Is it warped or something? If someone wouldn't...
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