Re: Another VIZIO E470VA blank screen
Thanks for the quick response...
Load side is open to ground, so we're good there...
I'll look through my stash ad see if I have a 5A fuse lying around... otherwise I found 5A nano fuses on Allied electronics for cheap... should be here by Friday which is the ext time I'll be able to work on it anyways.
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Another VIZIO E470VA blank screen
I found the forum while searching for help troubleshooting a TV that was given to me... in particular this thread....
I've pretty much followed everything through the thread, got correct voltages coming from the power supply board, etc. but I discovered that F701 is blown... the last post in the thread said to check that fuse, that it is 5A, but that is where it stopped... now the next step is to verify the fuse size, replace it, and see if it holds... if so, good to go, if not, find out why.
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