Re: GoXLR-Mini.Possible to extract this firmware? Or find its datasheet?
Why necessarily without removing the firmware chip? It's not even a pain-in-the-rear DFN package. Those 8-pin SOIC you can even remove and resolder with a soldering iron.
Thanks so much for the kind words, and i'm very glad that my "endeavours" have managed to help others as well
As i may or may not have mentioned here, the SK48 i'm still using, once again has issues booting up "from cold", but i just haven't had the time, patience or interest to disconnect everything from it, take it all apart (you know what a hassle that is) and swap out that 3.3V capacitor yet again... But it's powered up virtually all the time anyway, so it's not that much of an issue x)
The part i used isn't "the only hope", it just happened to be the cheapest pin-compatible device that one of my preferred suppliers had in stock at the time. And since i couldn't know what the stock part was, it was a bit of a crapshoot, but it worked.
Markings are on page 2 of the datasheet. First letter is the week code, while the "P 35" indicates the part number, looks like.
The -A version seems to be spec'd for only 21V for the overvoltage protection trip point, while the non-A is rated for up to 28V. Installing an -A could be pushing your luck for no good reason.
Finally got around to taking the top off one of my Saffire 40's, so here's a hopefully-clear-enough photo of the bottom.
Since all those resistors are toasted on yours, there's a pretty good chance the MOSFET is also gone, as is the PWM controller.
No idea what the stock PWM controller was, but as i mentioned, i managed to find a nearly-pin-compatible one, in the Diodes Incorporated AP3105NAKTR-G1.
The photo seems to be from the other Saffire 40's power supply which was ok. If memory serves, in the...
Could be the switch itself, could be some of the transistors between that and the relay. I'm away from home for a couple days, and i can't day for sure.
Well, you're somewhat in luck. I do actually have two Saffire Pro 40's that i need to put up for sale, so i suppose i could take a look under one of the power supplies in the mean time.
But until then, determining what was the root-cause of the damage would be very useful, and so would figuring out which components are blown. You can bet your life those resistors are NOT the only things that let the smoke out.
One of these two Saffires i have, turned out to have a faulty PWM controller in the power supply - the feedback...
Re: Repairing Alesis M1 Active mk2 Monitor Speakers
It was past midnight last night (with my alarm about to go off at 5:50am to get up for work), but i got it done! And, of course (?), all is well and working fine
A piece of solder-drenched solder-wick here, a (thick-ish) resistor leg there, solder-resist scrapef off etc...
As part of the rebuild, i also stuck in two pairs of Teapo LXK 680u/200v caps on the primary, "for good measure".
Re: Repairing Alesis M1 Active mk2 Monitor Speakers
To quote AvE (look him up on YouTube, it's pure and utter GOLD) - "That's too much like cheatin'..."
Besides, i wanna get this done tonight, these are part of a delayed one-year anniversary gift to my wonderful girlfriend, and i meant / hoped to finish rebuilding both power supplies on tuesday, but it just wasn't meant to be
But yeah, i'm not afraid of running a couple of wires here and there, if it saves me weeks of waiting and who knows how many more tens (if not...
Right, so just because a component happens to be near other components, it needs to be replaced... And whatever problem you're having, is still a secret
I hope you'll understand if noone provides you any meaningful help.
Have fun shotgunning all the parts on the board... because reasons
Well... If you [b]DID[/b] do a bit more research, you might have discovered that the IC18, a 6N137 (8-pin optocoupler) is actually dealing with the MIDI connectors, and has [b]nothing[/b] to do with any power supply.
I'm really sorry if this sounds rude, but... Do you actually have any idea what you're doing?
It might be a LOT more constructive if you maybe described what problem(s) you're having with your Impact Twin, and we could start from there. But then again, that's just me, i have a thing about logic and making...
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