Re: Philips Magnavox 20MF605T/17 20" LCD TV Inverter Board Issue
Thanks retiredcaps- I got the inverter going- only thing is now there's no image, only a blank grey screen! I can't win with this thing. I know there was image before the backlight worked!
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Re: Philips Magnavox 20MF605T/17 20" LCD TV Inverter Board Issue
OK so here are those long ago promised pictures, I think I have narrowed it down to a series of surface mount capacitors as seen in the picture. Each backlight lead has one, and all of those show infinite resistance and no capacitance, while nearby caps that look the same show ~350-400nf capacitance and ~280k resistance. Should I go ahead and replace those? and if so how do I figure out which ones to purchase, thanks again for all the help and patience! PS., the leads to the inverter board are reading like this:...
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Re: Trace Elliot GP12 SMX Nover Caps ESR help?
since you all are so nice here and nobody quoted my dumb "ESR seems too low" statement i'll go ahead and point it out haha, gosh just shows how much i have yet to learn....
anyway i got the bass head running, turned out to just be a loose solder joint on a resistor on the power board. peace!
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Re: Toshiba 40" LCD TV 40RV525R Dog Dropped it
OK so I got down to the glass and found the top left corner is chipped, I'm guessing there is a trace that sends data along the edge of the glass there?
If I press around this left edge if affects the whiteness but it never goes away......
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Toshiba 40" LCD TV 40RV525R Dog Dropped it :(
Hi guys, sad day for a friend of mine- the dog somehow walked by and knocked over his 40" lcd.... he brought it over to me and fired it up;
The LCD is not cracked, but the screen shows a strange tan/whiteish panel that fades accross, then within minutes the entire panel starts fading tan/white.
Nothing is obviously broken or disconnected inside.. is this thing toast or might it be salvagable?
Re: Magnavox MX931P Recieiver from 1995
well the STK4192II IC is rated 50w/chn @ 8 ohms minimum i believe
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Re: HP PL4260N (LG PD42X32002 Panel) Help Please
OK I adjusted in accordance to the LG guide with no luck....... I guess I'm stuck with the red snow without a firmware flash from what I hear?
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Re: Suitable Replacement Transistors?
Dang thanks Toasty!! I guess I need not search for "Toshiba" eh.....
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Re: Magnavox MX931P Recieiver from 1995
Wow OK good to know! I'm still getting this thing figured out, not sure what the best settings for this scenario would be.. In the picture is the output side of the board, the only line that shows an effect from turning the volume knob I lined in red, the rest show the same result as the input side of the IC,, maybe I need to adjust the scope some more? Thanks again for your help...
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Re: HP PL4260N (LG PD42X32002 Panel) Help Please
Wow almost 2 months later I got it running!!!!
1. Replaced IPM on Z-Sus,
2. then blew it with a bad Y-Sus,
3. then replace IPM on Y-Sus,
4. then replace Z-Sus board
I read in a post once here, I forget who posted it "If you want to learn, replace the chip, if you want to fix it, replace the board" - Excellent Advice! I have learned alot
Its running now but I got light red static, I guess I need to calibrate it..
Thanks everyone on this forum for...
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Suitable Replacement Transistors?
Hi everybody, I have an Onkyo TX-SV535 Receiver with 2 blown output transistors - 1 Toshiba D2386 and 1 Toshiba B1557, which I can't seem to find. well i found the b1557 on ebay for $14 shipped which seems high.... Are there suitable replacements out there? Also one of these little guys in the picture was toasted, what is it? Thanks!!...
Re: Magnavox MX931P Recieiver from 1995
OK I got my Tektronix 465 and a couple probes today!!! Gonna check it out and post results soon
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Trace Elliot GP12 SMX Nover Caps ESR help?
I am currently troubleshooting an old Trace Elliot GP12 SMX Bass Head that works great till it warms up, then the volume decreases dramatically. I opened it up and found 2 of these little Nover RE Series 40v 220uf caps that the plastic had kinda melted down. I pulled em out and tested them with an ESR of ~.20 which seems low according to my little "chart". I checked the datasheet at
but it doesn't...
20mhz scope enough to check receiver channels?
Hi everyone, I need to get a scope to test home theater receiver channels, but I don't have a lot of room (for a Tektronix).... Are these little hand held deals like an Owon HDS1021M good enough to check receiver amplifier channels? Thanks!
Re: Magnavox MX931P Recieiver from 1995
wow thanks Krankshaft for the insight! Looks like I better buy a scope, any recommendations?
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Re: Magnavox MX931P Recieiver from 1995
You are so right I tested them in circuit..... gosh I think i'm gonna give up on this thing, thanks guys!
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