Check those diodes around 7808; those are 3 small 1N4007 diodes act as TVS, after replacing few of those, the lights and LCD display becomes visible. Sadly this stereo has no adjustment for brightness.
Our fleet of buses all has this stereo. It goes take a while to fix all this. Very simple but tedious works. I hope this will help someone else....
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Clarion FZ104PA stereo has no lights and dark LCD display.
Re: Furnace Fan Timer Control Board ST9103A1002
I had another board with R1 or R2 burned out, those composite carbon resistors, 100Kohm. and my local store doesn't have this photocoupler 814A but 824H, replaced with it. Another board fixed, didn't bother changing any capacitors on this one.
For my original post; that board had K3 relay failed. This relay failed so often, it was not even used to drive fan directly, it actually only used for another relay off board, White Rodgers RBM type 184 (lower right corner of picture, the black...Last edited by number22; 01-08-2018, 06:10 PM.
Re: Furnace Fan Timer Control Board ST9103A1002
The furnace works now.
I tested G and Y terminals as FAN on switch, K3 worked.
I have set the DIP switch at default 150s.Last edited by number22; 01-01-2018, 07:06 PM.
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Re: Furnance Fan Timer Control Board ST9103A1002
Wow guys, thanks for commenting on my project.
U1 is LM2904N. Q1 Q2 are MPS8099. U1A and U2B are optoisolators, Lite-on 814A.
OMRON G5LE-14 is bad. T9AS5D12-24 are still good, but I already replaced them with new parts.
Heating Fan and its running cap, Burner Blower Fan and its running cap are all good. This furnace uses oil, so fuel pressure is not issue.
C6 is positive lead traced LM2904 pin5 and 750Kohm resistor R24, only C6 is rated 25V and 105C, I tested this board with 24VAC...
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Furnance Fan Timer Control Board ST9103A1002
It works for years, then it was having problem with burner turn on and off then on again, fan will not turn on even temperature was reaching to cut off temperature.
Replacing all Big relays 2 of T9AS5D12-24 and one of G5LE-14 OMRON
Replacing C6 nichicion 25V 100uf (Red one)
Replacing those green are lelon 63V47uf, C1 is 25V47uf
I think C6 is over worked and under capacitance, should be larger but I don't know for sure....Last edited by number22; 12-29-2017, 10:57 PM.
Re: LG Flatron W2042TQ Black Light Connections
Took this photo while fixing mine....
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Re: Alright, what the HELL is going on here?!
I have this question about ground current, how do I eliminate it, or minimizing from my house to garage, which are ~20 foot apart, both buildings has grounds, do I have to connect both of points of ground with gauge 8 wire? And main power line pole is about another 20 foot away different direction which has one solid ground on it....Last edited by number22; 01-16-2011, 09:54 AM.
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Re: Netgear WGR614V6
I have exact same router, which is still working, but it had this crazy high pitch noise, occasionally, it would drop lot of packages, it seems freeze up loading pages. It was impossible to play game with it.
CapXcon 470uf 6.3V is Low ESR, I replaced it with a better brand 1000uf 6.3V capacitor with exact same diameter, slightly taller than it. I also add extra 1000uf 6.3V capacitor at C114.
220uf 25V regular capacitor, I replaced it with 1000uf 25V Low ESR.
To me, these capacitors are purposely over worked,...Last edited by number22; 01-14-2011, 03:15 PM.
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Re: Need help DCLCD 19" LCD Monitor - I already replaced caps
I had problem with my similar DCLCD 19" monitor, anyway, I scavenged 2 capacitors (TEC, 16V, 1000uF) from a bad power supplies, test them out, and the monitor is work like new, the color is vivid.
Symptoms:Monitor began color shifting a while back(a year ago), greenish mostly, I didn't bother fix it, until it die out on me yesterday, open her up, find bad brand capacitors all in, didn't bother replacing all of them, just these 2 popped(CapXon, 16V 1000uF). anyway, I have been using it for like...Last edited by number22; 12-22-2010, 10:31 AM.
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