[B]You are the boss man[/B]
Took unlocked bios from peste ([url]https://www.badcaps.net/forum/showpost.php?p=960409&postcount=238[/url]) and replaced intuitive till AA 55)
No password!
But "Security Device Problem" remains, reset security settings (F10->Security tab) done 3 times, it asks for clearing TPM, F1 F1 for accept, but error comes again and again.
I'll try to decript user password from windows, just curious what i entered as pass.
How long is the UserCred section? I'm pretty new to this)
I took your 1030G2_OK.bin from 2 or 3 page and it has no Usercred section at all)
Digging in progress
I have tried to replace UserCred section of passworded dump (NB1) with one from working notebook (NB2):
3559 bytes.
After power on: power-on authentication, but with credentials from NB2 (defaultuser0 and install). I know password from user "install" from NB2, but it does not match.
1) Where is the password stored? Plain? Hashed?
2) NB2 has no power-on auth, so it must be some flag in original dump?
3) defaultuser0? Not a user from windows
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