Unfortunately I cannot find anyone with an NLBA.
The only option is to ship them to a different country, but I could just rebuild them for cheaper.
Also don't know if there's the pinout available.
it's not a laptop/desktop related question but I figured that someone here will have the right knowledge.
At work we use a few Aldebaran(now Softbank/United Robotics group) Nao Robots which they use some custom 6S li-on battery packs.
Nao robots tends to draw from the battery even if they are shut down, and the BMS tends to be a little aggresive, if the pack stays on a turned off robot for 3 months it's gonna lock and will refuse to charge.
Now, I have noticed a few things.
The "dead" battery, while connected to charger and NOT Charging will...
So just an update for anybody has the same issue and come across that topic.
When on old version bios, if the first one is corrupted and you boot from backup when you try to update it will update ONLY the backup chip and not also the main one.
I've solved the issue by using efiflash on a FreeDos live USB.
I Flashed the same bios there was in backup chip with efiflash and problem solved.
I've then chained some bios updates(F20--->F31--->F40--->F51d---F51h) using Q-flash and motherboard is up and...
A friend of mine gave to me the motherboard of the title.
He had it in storage for a long time and he couldn't recall what the problem was.
So I set the motherboard up on my bench and it wouldnt post at all.
I tried to kick in the backup bios by holding power button and reset button for 10 seconds and then the motherboard booted and I got onto bios.
Saved exit motherboard booted again.
Left it overnight at the bench, and today its not booting again.
Again it booted after I kicked in the backup bios.
Isn't supposed that when you boot...
Can perhaps anybody pass me that file?
Re: Asus P5P43TD Pro. Unknown Bios errors and no USB data on Bios.
Okay so a little update here.
Tried 2-3 different low voltage ram sticks that I managed to get from friends and I got same results as described on first post.
Also Replaced the bios chip, flashed the new one with the latest bios from asus website, that also changed nothing.
I barely see the no usb device detected message tho, but usb data still not working.
Fixing that board is surely beyond my knowledge but Its a nice start to start learning things.
Any suggestion on what to check next...
Re: Asus P5P43TD Pro. Unknown Bios errors and no USB data on Bios.
Thanks for replying and sorry for forgeting to mention.
Socket has no Bent binds or any signs of damage,found one photo [URL="https://i.imgur.com/sugXtFM.jpg"]here[/URL] at my phone from back when i was inspecting it,but with closed bracket. Added also to the first link.
Tried two different known working PSUs, the one at the moment powers up a Q6600 on a P5QC. No Difference.
Tried 2 Different CPUs. C2D e6750 and some Pentium since it needs lower juice, no difference....
Asus P5P43TD Pro. Unknown Bios errors and no USB data on Bios.
Hello there, I recently came across of an old Asus P5P43TD Pro Motherboard
that I had stored for some Years.
2 Pics [URL="https://imgur.com/a/hCEunfF"]here[/URL], more to come
So I tried to making a working machine out of it to give it to a neighborhood kid to use it for school things.
I Gave the board a close inspection and gave it a good IPA cleaning, all the capacitors are Aluminium Polymer Capacitors and noone looked bulged or problematic so far.
Installed an C2duo and 2 Gigs of DDR3 memory and tried to boot a linux live usb and i run to the next...
Re: New Members - please post your introductions here
Hi there,my name is Tasos and I'm from Greece.
I'm a web developer but I have worked a lot as a Robotics/STEM instructor and as an Support IT.
I always had a passion about repairing stuff but it was always focused laptops/dekstops/phones and by changing components.
It's been two years or more that i'm passionately reading and watching repairs but i haven't done anything extreme so far.
Stumbled across the board looking for a fix for a very weird problem i'm encountering with an old Asus P5P43TD Pro...
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