I have a Lenovo HLS1C_HLS1D LA-L502P board with bad SY8003A DC/DC converter.
I have a different mother board witch contains SY8003 DC/DC converter.
Can I use SY8003 instead of SY8003A converter?
These are the differences -[LIST][*][B]Short Circuit Protection[/B]:[LIST][*][B]SY8003[/B]: Uses latch-off protection. This means that when a short circuit is detected, the device will shut down and remain off until it is manually reset.[*][B]SY8003A[/B]: Uses hiccup mode protection. In this mode, the device will repeatedly attempt to restart after a short...
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How to transfer information from one BIOS to another?
I am starting to learn about UEFI BIOS.
At the moment I have Lenovo laptop with bad BIOS.
I tried to clean ME region and transfer EC region from a known working BIOS, but the laptop does not POST (just fan spin).
So there is something else bad.
If I flash a know working BIOS, the laptop POSTs and boots into Windows.
But the problem is, that the serial numbers, Windows key, and every thing else is from another laptop.
Where do I start to transfer the S/N, Windows key and other information from one BIOS to another?
Thank y...
The SYS_PWROK still has 3.3V present, but 1.2V line is still shorted.
I opened PJM2 jumper, and short was gone from PUM1 controller, but still present going to RAM slots and CPU.
I inspected RAM slots and everything seemed fine. But I did resolder all the PINs. Still shorted....
PLT_RST to ground - 70k Ohm
Today I went through the voltages again and I noticed the board was missing 1.2V.
Then I found that there was a short on 1.2V line (0.0 Ohm).
[URL=filedata/fetch?id=3581614&d=1740563221][ATTACH=JSON]{"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\tHP_250_G8.png Views:\t0 Size:\t519.5 KB ID:\t3581614","data-align":"none","data-attachmentid":"3581614","data-size":"thumb"}[/ATTACH][/URL]
1. Where I noticed the short.
2. I removed the PUM1 controller...
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I did some more measurements on the startup sequence:
It seems that everything stops at SIO_SLP_S4# where PCH sends enable signal for 2.5V. When I press power button, my multimeter does not register anything.
Where should I look now?I did some more measurements on the startup sequence:
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Thank you SMDFlea for a clean BIOS.
Unfortunately, there are still no sign of life after flashing the BIOS.
I don`t know if it is related, but there is no charger light as well when I plug in the adapter, even if battery is connected.
Also, where it is supposed to be 19V, with no adapter connected, I get battery voltage (10.25V). Should it be like that?...
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Could I, please, ask for a clean BIOS for HP 250 G8?
S/N - CND1117031
Thank you....
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Yes, I just uploaded them here - [URL="https://www.badcaps.net/forum/troubleshooting-hardware-devices-and-electronics-theory/troubleshooting-laptops-tablets-and-mobile-devices/schematic-requests-only/3570155-hp-250-g8-fpi50-la-h329p-schematic-and-boardview"]HP 250 G8 FPI50 LA-H329P Schematic and Boardview - Badcaps[/URL]Yes, I just uploaded them here - [URL="https://www.badcaps.net/forum/troubleshooting-hardware-devices-and-electronics-theory/troubleshooting-laptops-tablets-and-mobile-devices/schematic-requests-only/3570155-hp-250-g8-fpi50-la-h329p-schematic-and-boardview"]HP...
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HP 250 G8 FPI50 LA-H329P Schematic and Boardview
Here is a schematic and boardview for HP 250 G8 FPI50 LA-H329P....
Checked all of them, they are solid on the board. And no debris between the pins, so no short.
How can I check if the EC is not defective?...
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I already tried to recover BIOS using USB flash. Tried many times, leaving for 5+ minutes (don`t want to leave longer as the CPU gets very hot). The screen stays dark and no activity on USB.
Tried with Win+B, Win+V, B, V key combos....
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I did not tur it on without heatsink. I just removed it to see if there was any burnt component under the heat pipe.
I noticed the CPU got hot because the heat pipe got really hot and the fan did not turn on to cool it....
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HP 250 G8 EC cannot reach BIOS
I got HP 250 G8 which has blinking Caps Lock - 5 long, 3 short - [I]This condition indicates the embedded controller cannot reach the BIOS within the established time limit.[/I]
When I got the laptop, it did not turn on at all. The power button was dirty. After cleaning the button it stops at blinging Caps Lock.
When I power on the board, I get a fan spin at the start, then it stops. Then the CPU and inductors get really hot. The fan does not turn on for cooling.
No, it did not switch on before the flash. As I said, I read the BIOS chips, made the request for a new BIOS. While I was waiting for anyone to reply, I reassembled the laptop and noticed that it had no sign of life. Only then I tried to flash new BIOS.
If it was programmers fault, then the checksum of the file I did flash and the file I dumped after the flash would not match....
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They are SOP8 type chips.
I used this clip: [URL=filedata/fetch?filedataid=371171][ATTACH=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"custom","data-tempid":"temp_371171_1738064353499_330","height":"109","width":"109"}[/ATTACH][/URL]
Software used - NeoProgrammer 2.2
At the moment I am just getting into BIOS flashing, still got to learn what I am looking at when I open it with UEFITool.
At first, I just read the BIOS chips and requested a new BIOS (which no...
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