Sorry for bringing up so old thread.
Did you check in the ribbon? or had to remove the sticker to measure bat voltage (original one)
Cause i just got some replacement and the bugger has 0.05v on the ribbon cable....
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Thinkpad L490 wtf
Soi i got a wierd 1.when you plug in an edp plug you get a 3v line short. Well i cut All 3v lines on the plug ans yet its still happening. I'm so xobduaes. W/o wsp it qorks....
yes same ressistance is on the other side (on the coil) so these look ok.
I wonder why i do have 1.4v on 3valw line when its disconnected via jumper
im starting to think iits EC problem....
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Sorry the current draw on consuming side is 0.09A i got confused cause its 0.3W(thets the number i remebered for some reasson.
in diode 0.390v drop...Last edited by reassor; 04-19-2024, 03:21 AM.
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Will check for shorts and give you the resistance tomorrow. As for amps i start from 1A so it didnt even hit it. There is a load switch on this line and removing the jumper right behind it (its not even switching on that 3valw to 3vs so thats not it)
Will check all points with 3valw and look for something warm.
Thx for the tip....
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lenovo ideapad NM-D031 3VALW issue
I got dead one.
3VALW is just pulsing then goes down. i removed the jumper PJ402 and it suddenly stays up but PG pin on that IC is around 0.5v and droping.
There is no obvious shorts. Wierd thing is that on the other side of the PJ402 i have 1.4V from somwhere ...
Injecting 3.3v there draws 300mA and nothing is heating up.
the ic is SY8386BRHC_QFN16 (kinda uncommon here - so i do not have a spare to test it)
any ideas to check before i order a few of these?
I got lenovo with 10th Gen i5 and it has 158ohm on cpu cores. Is that even in a realm of possibility that its ok?
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Thx for help. it guided me in to invest in new mobo. That fixed it
Just reporting for others if they search simmilar problem....
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It always goes to STB state when plugged in or atleas judging by the led. And yes I understand lvda unplug to block panel state or other tcon error from reaching mainboard. But it does not change anything.
Same reaction to same actions.
No usb no spdif....
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I see. So it's like trying to do its thing but just hangs.and remains in that constant state. Cause when I turn it off by remote or holding a button on joy it will stay in standby for a sec then relay turns on 12v comes back led blinks 3 times and remains off after that but no drv_on signal. And no usb / spdif.. guy said they were watching and it just went out. Vid +audio. If it 2as led I would just toss a new mobo in and it would work in 99%of cases. Oled is new to me and people say things like panels shorting etc. Also mobo for this thing is not cheap. I'll probably risk it....
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At first I was directly injecting 23v on that fuse with my own adjustable psu bur on this line with just 12v and me injecting to tcon 23v (unplugged from psu also no mainboard) it only consumes around 3.5w on that line... that's nothing so clearly panel is not waking up.
Will look if that mosfet is open or not....Last edited by reassor; 04-09-2024, 02:27 PM.
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Drv_on is off 12v_on is always on even when you just plug it in to the outlet. I didn't bridge with main board plugged into psu. I just checked the signals on the plug pwr_on and 12von is on 3.3 and 3.5 yet standby led is on....
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1 - 3.3v is allways present on 12v_on if mb plugged in.If i unplug main board i have 7v instaead of 12v as you said (measured on tcon 12v rail)
2 - figured it out alone
3 - did that no picture - took 3.3v from my regulated psu and bridged all 3 ON signals.
4 - does nothing - no usb power no light on spdif...
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There is 2 switch sposts on mb. 1 is forcing standby the upper 1 is doing something just dunno what. Are there any schematics for these contraptions? Never did oled before....
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Did that. Got all voltages. Did the jumpers on pwr_on + 12v on and drv_on. No picture. Tcon hot af
No red light on spdif out no usb power either when all is plugged in as supposed to be and I switch mobo on somehow with remote - need to be patient with that since it does not react correctly.
Just to add when standby light is on 12v is present and all voltages on mb and tcon except 24v....Last edited by reassor; 04-09-2024, 05:22 AM.
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Cannot see any fuses on this side. What line need to have 12v on this photo?...
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Did drv_on + pwr_on and vt12v with main board unplugged and lvds lines out. No picture. 40w draw.
Do I need to spend another half a day looking at your posts or will I get an actual response if that's a good way to test the panel?...
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How do u screen test on TV that's not showing video?...1 PhotoLast edited by reassor; 04-08-2024, 02:19 AM.
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