While reviewing the a1466 820-00165 board schematics, I came across a diode that I need to identify. The part in question is labeled D2920 (NSR1020MW2T1G), but my problem is that the schematic has the icon for a Zener Diode, but when I look up the part number, I only get results for a Schottky Diode. I don't have much experience with technical schematics at all and this part just so happens to be missing from the board I am trying to fix so I need to get my hands on the correct replacement part.
I have attached both the schematic portion in question and a screenshot of the part...
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Re: New Members - please post your introductions here
Hello All! I am just getting into logic board troubleshooting and repair. I have a lot to learn but hope to be in a point in the near future where I can be a helpful member of Badcaps.
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