Hello everybody, i am having an issue about a tablet ASUS K00F, the problem is about the update which was blocked at android 4.2. Have you some clues to tell me which is the best lineage OS if it exists for this model.
Thank you in advance
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Re: fpc connector tab 4
Thank you for your help man!
fpc connector tab 4
hello everybody,
Can someone help me how to find a fpc connector for touchscreen for a tablet samsung tab 4.
Thank you in advance for your help
Re: Asus X51R
Thanks for the schematic.I wonder if ever someone have this weird breakdown.Firstly the laptop battery is dead.When i plugged the charger into the laptop, it turns on without pushing the start button but when i switched it off and restart it by pushing the start button.....i can see some led but the screen is black. i've to wait 3 hours to begin what i've said before.
Thank you in advance......................
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Re: Asus X51R
Thanks for the schematic.I wander if ever someone have this weird breakdown.Firstly the laptop battery is dead.When i plugged the charger into the laptop, it turns on without pushing the start button but when i switched it off and restart it by pushing the start button.....i can see some led but the screen is black. i've to wait 3 hours to begin what i've said before.
Thank you in advance
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Asus X51R Schematic
Hi everybody,
Can someoene have a shematic for an asus x51r.
thank you in advance.
Re: No sound HW C450
i wasn't sure if i am in the good sections or not......as nobody replies me.....
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No sound HW C450
Hi everybody,
i've no sound and slow menu with Samsung HW-C450 sound bar.
can sommeone help me to fix this issue please
Thanks in advance!
Hw c450
Hi everybody,
i've no sound and sluggish menu with Samsung HW-C450 sound bar.
can sommeone help me to fix this isue.
Thanks in advance!
Re: hp 6830s dead
hi, it's not the good schematic.the board's name is
please help.....
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Re: hp 6830s dead
thanks man, for sharing.i will work on it this weekend, keep you in touch.......
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samsung r509 schematic
hi to all, does anyone have a schematic for this model? thank you in advance
Re: methode pour flasher un toshiba nb200
merci de me répondre, c'est un pc que g récupérer, j'ai déja effectuer un reflow mais sans résultat,Pour moi c'est le cas d'un mauvais flashage.ecran reste noir quand je l'allume. c'est comme un probleme de gpu mais la difference est que le hdd led ne clignote pas et le ventilo tourne a fond tout le temps.
donc, j'ai essayé un reflow, changer la barette de mémoire sans aucun résultat.un processeur grillé c'est trés rare....
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Re: methode pour flasher un toshiba nb200
Pouvez -vous m'aider pour un samsung r509, ecran noir au démarrage je ne peut meme pas acceder au bios.merci
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samsung r509 blackscreen
Hi, everybody i need help.I've got a laptop which boots but i've a blankscreen, i don't think it's the GPU because the fan spin continously and when it's start, we can see only the power led, doesn't see the hdd led blinking.i think it's a bios problem but how to fix it.
Please help!!!!
Re: Acer 5532 bios??
hi,it's not really new about 15 months...warranty passed.fans turns on at start .i've done all you said.i want the procedure to flash the bios on that model but it's not easy to find a tutorial on google.
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Re: Acer 5532 bios??
thanks to reply.
on external screen, same issue.surely it's bios problem,at start nothing happen even the hdd led don't blink....i don't think bga has to be reflow or reball, it's a new laptop.thanks for helping
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