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Iphone 12 mini boardview component codes
Have somebody please iphone 12 mini boardview with component codes that are same like in schemas ? I need at least a picture of caps around nand. Or is there a way of "pairing" a component code from boardview with schemas ? I have boardview file from that large XZZ dump what can you find in this forum.
Can somebody please "cut out" iPhone 12 mini boardwiev a schemas from that large dump ? I dont have great internet connection and I need just that one phone.
Success!!! Thank you very, very much!
After that I made a bios update from asus website and everything work. Exept I dont know if this mashine schould hase UEFI bios, because I have not. But that didn´t stress me at all.
Now I include new dump which work but I dont have serial number. Can somebody please add serial number and everything what schould have original bios ? Maybe mac adress if its necessary....
Serial number is in first post in this topic, original dump too....
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Nothing changed. But there is second, diferent memory chip, maybe this is the culprit. Dump from this included....
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Laptop fixed more here: [url][/url]https://Laptop fixed more here: [url...-fx505dt[/url]
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Ok, so little update:
Laptop is finally working.
Solution: DIY "reflow" of CPU and GPU with hot air.
Maybe there was some bad/cracked joints and that "reflow" melted it together, so it work again.
Thank you all for your time...
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Asus UX581L
Can somebody please help my unbrick my asus UX581L ? It was hard shutdown during bios update.
Make: ASUS
Model: UX581L
Mobo: UX581LV R2.1
Original dump included...
I didnt find good resistance walues anywhere. So thank you for your verification...
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Looping would be good if it doesn´t loop foreverI left it looping for about 30-40 minutes and nothing happens exept CPU(maybe GPU too, it has one heatsink) warming up and fans regularly spins for couple seconds- thermal managing work.
Have somebody any ideas how I shoud look/measure/try ?...
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Hi members. Maybe somebody can help my find out if my laptop is totaly toast or not. I buy it recently with no boot fault and I thought I can repair it, but after several hours on it I think CPU or GPU is toast.
So laptop is :
Make: ASUS
Model: FX505DT-BQ143
Symptoms: No boot, black screen(even through HDMI), keyboard light on, battery is charging, capslock didnt work. Every rail is present 19V(20,2 from charger), 5V, 3,3V, 2,5V, 1,8V. Even CPU is powering up a shows 1,1V, but every 4second falt to 0 and then back to 1,1V- looping. Hence i thought just the bios is scrambled,...
Thank you, unfortunately didn´t work.
After another 3 hours working on that laptop, I start to think that CPU or GPU is toast...
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Hi, can somebody look in my bios ? My laptop won´t post. Keyboard lights up, caps lock didn´t work. Every rail is good. I didn´t find anything wrong with board itself. I tried several version from this forum nothing works for me. With some versions processor rail is restarting every 4-5sec(inc. original), with some it stais on but didn´t post.
(sorry for my english).
Make: ASUS
Model: FX505DT-BQ143
S/N: L8NRCV002034321
MoBo: 60NR02D0-MB1100 (I think?)...Last edited by Paulo11; 01-15-2024, 01:05 PM.
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