Hi, I just come to this laptop with symptoms from owner - it stop charging. Thought it would be easy USB-C replacement (matebooks known issue) I took it. But port is good. After charging battery from power supply laptop is still dead. No power to EC chip. I'm out of ideas what to check next.
Next to 3.3V LDO which is only active rail after main rail is a circuit which sends voltage to EC chip. I don't understand at all function of this circuit. It consist of 2 PNP transistors few resistors and P-channel mosfet. Below is a circuit diagram of that part with explanation. Does anybody...
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Hello all,
my story began before high school when I was interested in PC's and electronics I made simple PCB's from magazine tutorials. Then during my adult life I was always tinkering with electronics, fixed some but always had it only as a rare "hobby". I'm big fan of opensource / openhardware / right to repair. Lately I was doing just some simple fixes of phones (screen replacement, etc.), for this Christmas i got iFixit tool kitAnd that's how i got here, i heard about this site from Louis Rossmann. I would like to share my repair stories to help each other.
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