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Last Activity: 03-04-2025, 06:08 AM
Joined: 02-09-2025
Location: London
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  • Just for the sake of the discussion on this thread. I will keep you posted on how long the reflow lasts. And when it does go again will replace the ram chips with new ones and will properly reball the gpu to see how long that lasts for etc. Will add photos of the pads unde the chips too just to see if there is any damage to the substrate and traces/pads....
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  • I should have mentioned but I have run loads of mats/mods tests on this card previously which all passed without issue. Ive thouroughly tested the cards pcb components too. So my logic was theres got to be a issue with the connectoin between the ram and the gpu itself hence why I reflowed it. Its been going strong now since this and hasnt skipped a beat. The card has an AIO cooler on it and is running stable at 60 deg full load. Lets see how long it lasts. Ive used this card for cuda rendering for years so have had my moniesworth out of it. If I can squeeze another few months out of it I will...
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  • Im curious, why is it the worst thing to do? Damage to the board via heat? or potiential short? I agree it will die again as the solder must have degraded. Im going to get the kit to reball as most of my failed cards have similar issues. So will end up reballing them all eventually. Just need a working card until I can properly fix them all for my racing sim rig.
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  • I reflowed the gpu and memory chips and went over a few other bits this eve with the hot air gun and its all working fine now.Going to run it for a few days and see what happens. All artifacts are gone and re checked the inductors etc and they are outputting 1.5volts either side of inductor now. Could have been a loose connection the whole time. The card passes mats test everytime and has never chucked an error since this has happened. Very strange, guess if it goes again and the inductor start reading 12v at the memory inlet then must be a mosfet or another inductor to blame. Will post a follow...
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  • Maxwell Titan X 12G pcb repair

    Hi, I have a bunch of old GPUs im using to learn pcb repair and microsoldering. The card has artifacts whilst running and display cuts out if you try to game on it. After initial testing I have found that the memory inductors are showing 12v each side. So being a bit of a noob at this stuff, Im assuming I would have to replace the inductors and find the broken mosfett that is causing this. Im going to add the results of my stabbing guide here tomorrow which should further help the situation. In the meantime are there any boardviews I can use as reference for this card? Heres a pic of the pcb...
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